Friday, March 8, 2013

Enjoy my Last Days in SA, NC Bound

Making new friends at the Lion Park- I've got my smile on but there's no doubt I was nervous- and for good reason haha

I'll be flying back to the US this coming Monday.  I am excited to see you all soon!  It has been an incredible time, full of a variety of adventures and many new and deepening friendships.  God has provided more than I could ask or imagine.

Here are just a few snapshots of what I've been up to the last few weeks:

 Arno and I designed a Balloon Treasure Hunt for the kids of the family that I have been staying with.  It took them on a journey all over their property finding clue and completing tasks to find their next clue. 
Popping the Next Clue

Digging for Treasure

The Grand Prize for the completion of the Crazy Africa Balloon Hunt was a ... Hot Air Balloon Ride!      Very Fun!

We saw the SA night lights from a world above
 Later that week the kids designed a special South African History Hunt in Afrikaans (their native language that I've been learning), taking me from the time of the Bushmen to the days of Foet Trakers  (early settlers) up to modern day.  Below we had to cross the "ocean" they way Dias and the early explores did. After the journey we made tradition SA "stick bread" that the early settlers would have eaten and a tradition meal! Such a beautiful time with an incredible family!   

Full Boat: we were taking on a bit of water haha

making "stick bread"- SA version of smores

Eating "vetkoek" - literally translated: "fat cake"


American Day comes to SA:

 A day full of US History, food: pancakes for breakfast, then cheeseburgers, fries, and a flag cake for a hearty dinner.

A cowboy, 3 little Indians, and good ole Ab

Surprise: An American Prize

Farming God's Way:

We thoroughly enjoyed a day at Vasfontein Ministries getting dirt under our nails and learning much about planting and harvesting according to God's word.  I'm excited to start putting it into practice. Here's the website if you want to find out more:

Getting Down and Dirty
Monday  I'll be hopping on the big bird and flying back to you all! Excited to see you soon!
Shalom and Love from South Africa.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Swa Vana and Time with Mama LaVerne

  Here are a few more snapshots from the Swa Vana site in Justicia during  my week with "Mama LaVerne" up in the bush. (refer to prior post to get more of the details).

Praying and Singing before the Meal
Preparing the Meal- chicken, pop, and lots of veggies
Bible Story Time with a new friend in my lap

One of the days, I was able to go out with the Home Care Workers to visit some of the widows and ill who they work with on a regular basis.  This 'go go' or grandma asked us to read from her favorite scripture: Romans 8: 37-39 - How nothing -really nothing "will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord". I pray that the truth of His constant, unstoppable, unconditional love would really go deep in all of us.

praying with one of the 'go go's
Teaching the ladies in LilyDale some exercises. They've started on physical and spiritual 'challenges' with the kids. So I was able to share some new ideas and we all shared some good laughs haha. 

I am always so amazed at how the Lord gives little and big surprises when you're walking in His plans.  His got the best sense of humor as well! These are Mopani worms - yes that right I said worms.  I 've been hearing about these little delicacies from the being on my time in SA but didn't know if I would have the "pleasure" of trying them.  Sure enough, Ms. LaVerne and I just happened to stop by a school and her friend there insisted that we go in and meet the principal and he had his plate of Mopani worms out ready for a tasty lunch. 
  To my surprise I really liked them haha.  You just have to think of them as crunchy fries and he had put some spices on them that reminded me a little of Bojangles' season haha! Rich in vitamins - who wants to try some?

This is just a little extra something for fun.  There was a dance off in the town square in Huntington one of the days that we were there.  I'm telling you all of these kids can move! It was fun to see.

Shalom and Many Blessings over you All!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Swa Vana (For the Children)

'Swa Vana' means "For the Children" in Tsonga

learning a new game with the kids
This is the 2nd hand store that Swa Vana has recently opened up in the community.  They were getting so many clothing donations out of the children's size range that they decided that this would be a great way to serve the larger community and to let the community have a chance to support their own widows.  It is the only clothing store in Huntington and all the money that is made goes to buy food for the Home Base Care that provides for the widows and sick in Huntington.  I was able to spend the day helping calculate the inventory as the purchases were made.

The Ladies in Lilydale:  With their church they were already feeding the orphans in their community.  When they found out about Swa Vana- they asked to join forces and it has been such a wonderful match up.  This team along with Pastor Abendigo are always trying new things with the kids and their hearts are to serve. 

Bible Story with the kids

Soaking in the Bible Lesson

The kids make their own beads out of cereal boxes and other paper and then design beautiful jewelry to sale.  With the money they earn Swa Vana opens up individual bank accounts for them.  I, of course, will be bringing some special creations home to you all!

2 meals a day- 5 days a weeks the orphans and very destitute children in 3 communities are feed tasty meals.  Here are some of the older boys helping to serve. The food for the day was a thicker type of corn with beans, cabbage, and pop.  I thought it was great!

 This is a church out in the bush that Ms La Verne has been sharing Bible Stories with the kids at once a week for the last year.  We shared about Noah and his obedience to God.   The kids were so happy to sing and color.
kids at the school - excited to see the Mulungus!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Family Time and now off to "the Bush"

I've had the pleasure of spending the last week and a half with a lovely family in Pretoria.  We've been enjoying language and culture differences and growing together!

Braiding the Challah Bread for a Special Dinner
UNO! Imported from the States and a card shuffling lessons

On your Mark, Get Set, Go!

The kids were inspired by hearing about the Raleigh Krispy Kreme Challenge (where you run 2 miles, eat a dozen doughnuts and run back in an hour). We started Africa's first official Crazy Doughnut Drive- biking to the store, scarfing down some doughnuts and riding back. Fun times !

  Today I'll be headed northeast on the road to Huntington near the Kruger National Park in "the bush".  Ms.  LaVerne, who is originally from North Carolina, and is now a full time missionary has graciously welcomed me to "come and see".   I will get to serve with her among the youth of their community and be a part of whatever she is doing for the week.  I don't know what to expect, but I know that God has some awesome things planned! They speak Tsonga there so "Avuxeni" (hello) to a brand new adventure. Much love to you all !

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Being a part of what God is doing

Over the last few weeks I've been in the eastern part of South Africa- a mostly Zulu area called Ingwavuma, through Swaziland, up into Mozambique, back to Ingwavuma, and now back in Pretoria.  Below are some snapshots of a few thing that I have had the opportunity to be a part of:

Giraffes- this piece is coming home with me :)

Fancy Stitch ( to learn more) was started about 12 years ago and was birthed out of the need for women to learn a skill to provide for their families.  Since 2001, Fancy Stitch has been able to employ/empower over 400 women with earned income and to send beautiful African artwork to many places in the world.  They are not yet in America, and I hope to help as a liaison when I'm back in the US to see if there are open markets that would like to purchase and sell their lovely handiwork.

Located in the heart of the KwaZulu-Natal, the Fancy Stitch building which was once a notorious bar and brothel has now been transformed into a place of hope for many women.  While there I was able to work in the community garden, getting it ready for planting, pray in the prayer house, and purchase some lovely artwork to support the women and bring home to you!


Memorial to the FS women who have died of AIDS   
Pump House turned into Prayer House

I also got to be a part of the beginning phase of the transformation of an unused house in the bush of Ingwavuma, SA...

Naomi, Maryna's and Daniel's daughter and Arno applying coat #1.

Maryna's creativity spreading

...Into Shalom House, a pro-life home where young pregnant women can live and get care and support throughout their time of pregnancy.  So often we say that we are against abortion and for life, but we do very little to give these vulnerable women another option.  One of things that left the biggest impression on me in my time in Ingwavuma was the heart not only of real concern for others that the believers showed but also the action that resulted.  Understanding the undeserved, unconditional love that God has poured out on us should overflow out of us into the broken world around us.

 Using some of the funds that were given,  we were able to bless the future Shalom House with some beautiful paints that has already begun to brighten up the building to make it a place of encouragement and hope for young women.  It will be a very simple building like the vast majority of the houses in this region of South Africa without electricity or indoor toilets, but with Maryna's art skills and these paints it is sure to be a lovely and welcoming place of peace (Shalom).  Maryna will have to update us with pictures as the project progresses.      

Maputo, Mozambique: a visit to Iris Ministry (

 The vision of taking children, many from the literal garbage dump, and bringing them to a place of safety and love.  We we're able to spend some time playing with the kids and catching a glimpse of how things run at the ministry site.

 Seeing how large and well organized the Iris site is(now one of many throughout Mozambique and the world), it is amazing to hear how small its beginning was. My basic understanding is that it started with Heidi Baker feeling led by God to come and sit on the street corner in Maputo.  Seeing hopelessness and death all around, she began to cry out for the children and felt Him say to bring them into her home.  Through many challenges God has shown Himself more than faithful to provide and give good futures to countless children.

Always Enough is Rolland and Heidi Baker's autobiography- I haven't read it yet but hope to soon.

My biggest impression from hearing the Baker's story and seeing one of the sites first hand was encouragement that God is the one that does the work. Just like the loaves and the fish, even today, when we give Him the very little that we have, 'the not enough', He breaks it and multiplies and He receives the glory for doing the impossible.

I have posted many more pictures on my facebook (Ginny Davenport) of Moz. and Ingwavuma.