Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SA Missionary/Ministry Snapshots

La Verne BusbeeInternational Christian Hospice in South Africa

I got in contact with Ms. La Verne through the founder of International Christian Hospice, Ron and Susan Nash (http//www.ichospice.blogspot.com/) who I got to serve with in Honduras a few years ago.  A few weeks ago at a missions conference I reconnected with them and they were overjoyed to share what La Verne was doing in the Kruger National Park Area (bush area in northern east part of SA).  La Verne is a lovely German woman who has given her life to working among the dying and impoverished and sharing the gospel everywhere she goes (like with the kids in the picture above).  We have been emailing back and forth and I’m hoping to join her on some of her journeys in the later part of January.  

This is a little bit of information about Daniel and Maryna’s (friends that I meet in Israel Summer 2011) ministry in the bush.  We will be visiting/working with them around the new year. He is a doctor and she works with the women and has begun an organization called Fancy Stitch.

The Fancy Stitch group is a self-help, income generating and skills development initiative amongst women living in the deep rural hamlet of Ingwavuma, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and a supplier of high quality, artistic greeting cards, picture frames and clothing.
Fancy Stitch started with 27 members in September 2001 and has now grown to include more than 400 members. The dedication, talent and social and emotional connectedness amongst the members is impressive. All these characteristics, combined with a dynamic vision for the future, makes this an exciting and inspirational development initiative.
Ingwavuma is situated in the Lebombo mountains in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Focused around a small cluster of shops and amenities, the settlement lies scattered over a 60km radius and supports around 120 000 inhabitants. People survive through migrant labour, subsistence farming and government grants, often shared amongst entire households. Poverty is deeply rooted, and social problems like alcoholism and teenage pregnancy are widespread. Desperately, HIV infection rates amongst young women keep rising. The costs of HIV, the numerous funerals, and of caring for children orphaned by AIDS drain scarce household resources, deepening poverty further.
But there is also hope here. Witnessing the suffering and inspired by the vibrancy, Fancy Stitch holds five main objectives:
  • to create jobs for local people to alleviate poverty
  • to develop the skills of our members
  • to build the capacity of our organisation
  • to market our products
  • and to be an independent and thriving business.
Fancy Stitch is a business enterprise, with annually-audited financial statements. Equally we are a group of real people with real lives, and that’s what drives us. Each day’s work is powered by our aims to:
  • create beautiful products to a consistently high standard
  • encourage one another to have hope and a vision for the future
  • actively support vulnerable persons amongst us
  • and raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and encourage positive living. 

 When I told a friend at the coffee shop that I was headed to SA- he said that I had to look into Iris Ministry and should consider going to check it out.  I was really encouraged by their history and heart.  We have been accepted to visit and I am hoping to get my Mozambique Visa the first day I'm SA and to visit in beginning of the new year.

 Iris Ministry in Mozambique  http://www.irismin.org/
Our Mission
Iris Ministries is a Christian organization committed to expressing a living and tangible response to those commandments that Jesus called greatest: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength," and "Love your neighbor as yourself." It is our conviction that the Spirit of God has asked us to make this love concrete in the world, incarnate in our thoughts, our bodies, our lives and our every action. Iris Ministries exists to participate in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth in all its aspects, but most especially through our particular calling to serve the very poor: the destitute, the lost, the broken and the forgotten.
We have been sent to places where "love" must every day mean bread for the hungry, water for the thirsty and healing for the sick. It must mean family for the orphan, freedom for the captives and peace for the war-torn. We want always to make our love real in these ways, for as long as the poor are with us. Our ministry is built around the application of the Gospel to some of the most desperate economic and spiritual circumstances on earth, with all the boldness of which we, in Christ, are capable.
As we seek to display God's heart in the outpouring of this love, we have found that we are also constantly blessed by a great many treasures uncovered in the hearts of those we are sent to serve. We believe it is also an important part of our calling to share these treasures with the whole body of Christ. It is our hope, therefore, that every one of our trials, our testimonies and our victories may in turn become life and encouragement for the entire church – "until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God." While our primary efforts are focused on the poorest of the poor, we remain constantly aware that we are enabled to make those efforts through the astonishing faith and generosity of men and women from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. As God has provided for us in this way, so we believe that together we receive our greatest reward, as members of a single people – one Body, one Bride.

On the national level, we are committed to working with indigenous leaders, with the aim of facilitating a strong, empowered citizen leadership that can ultimately take the reigns of Iris's main in-country activities. In our home nation of Mozambique these include the building of schools, children centers, homes and churches; extensive feeding programs; evangelism and healing; well-drilling; medical care; training programs for local and international ministers; conference hosting and local pastoral care. In Mozambique, without exception, we are also committed to offering a home to every child we find who does not have a family. As our organizational capacity has grown we have been privileged to extend many of these activities to other nations, a growing list which currently includes Brazil, India, Indonesia, Israel, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Korea, Sudan and Tanzania.

Mike and Chandra Noviskie from Sealy, Texas – missionaries in Pretoria South Africa http://www.hatfield.co.za/

This is a beautiful missionary family that I met briefly while living near Houston, Texas.  It is amazing that we will be in the same city again: But now on the other side of the world!  I’ll get to reconnect in Pretoria with them and we’ll see where it leads. This is part of an email that they sent a few weeks ago. 

 Hi Ginny,
Mike and I spent the first four months of our journey here attending Church Leadership School at Hatfield.  Then we began exploring in our areas of passion and interest the different community ministries that have been launched out of Hatfield.  Mike has been serving with the worship team here.  I have been serving with the children's ministry team.  But during the week, I have been getting involved with Early Childhood Development Center teacher training in the township areas.  I have also been getting involved with SA Cares for Life that serves families that are taking care of orphans and vulnerable children.  Mike is involved with a community ministry called James 1:27 Trust.  His involvement is with IT software solutions to help organizations that care for orphans and vulnerable children. 
 We hope to go back to Texas for Christmas.  So we will be gone the month of December.  We will return in January until December 2013.  We sense that God probably won't be finished with us here at that time, but we will see what He says.  We, too, trust God to guide us.  That is an exciting and scary adventure to be on, don't you think?

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